Your company has a story. It's time to tell it.

Pro Sports Team

Title: Friends With Bucky


When Miranda and Evan’s dad catches them pretending to be the Birmingham Bucks in their room, he decides it’s time to take the whole family to a game.  They get to have popcorn and hotdogs, stand for the National Anthem, and best of all, meet Bucky the Mascot.

But in the last inning of the game, Dad looks worried.  The Bucks are down.  Miranda assures him that if she cheers loud enough, they’ll play their best.  Sure enough, they come back and win the game!

That night, Miranda asks if he believed it was her cheering that made them win.  “I’m sure it was, Miranda, I’m sure it was,” he told her.

Community Bank

Title: Becca and the Bank


Becca loves to bake.  She makes delicious treats for her friends and family.  When she sells treats at a community event, she now has a business that earns money, and needs a place to keep that money safe.

Becca’s parents take her to meet Jennifer, the banker they know and trust at their Community Bank.  She teaches Becca what an account is, a deposit and withdrawal.  Becca also learns the value that the community bank plays for the clients it serves, and how her community banker helps people and local businesses all day long.


Title: Ready for Takeoff


After school, Austin is very excited to fly his drone.  But lack of preparation makes it hard.  He forgets the camera attachment, he needs to adjust a propeller, and he is very low on battery power.  

Austin’s father comes out to help him, setting him up with a process to always have a battery charging, a box of spare propeller parts, and a specific location where he always knows the camera, drone, and controller will be.  Austin is ready to fly!

When asked why he’s so good at prepping the drone, Austin’s father explains that for his job he’s ensuring that private and corporate jets are ready to go.  They get to go to the maintenance hanger, see the scheduling software, and talk to the team making sure everything is ready to go.  Austin’s dad is always making sure that they are Ready for Takeoff!


Title: After the Fire


When Peyton’s family goes out to dinner, it seemed like an ordinary day in the routine that she was used to.

The family comes home to a scene of firetrucks and a huge blaze, and that routine and comfort is destroyed.

The very next day, Greg the Insurance Agent, is at her house.

Greg spends time with her parents, but he also spends time talking to Peyton about everything she has lost.

Over the next several months, Greg helps her to return to routine, and seals the deal when he replaces her special one-of-a-kind doll.

Greg is a hero because of the service he provides and he helps Peyton’s world return to normal.


Title: Cole Digs It


All across Cole’s neighborhood are electrical wires. The wires are on telephone poles everywhere.

Cole has been told many times he can’t fly his kite, or punt his football, or use his drone outside because of the overhead electrical wires.

One day, a large construction crew comes through with heavy equipment digging up the ground. He learns they are burying the electrical wires, and he will finally be able to fly his kite, and the other activities he’s been excited about.

The construction crew, with their heavy equipment, are all heroes because they allow him to do something he’s always dreamed of. Cole hopes that one day he, too, will be able to operate these big machines!


Title: Return of the Swagger


Alex can’t walk as well as the other kids, and he can’t participate in any running games.

When his doctor talks about another operation, he is down and dejected, and his parents are worried.

The doctor then shows them how the new procedure is different because of the incredible use of lasers.

After the surgery, Alex slowly regains use of his legs, and in the end is even able to participate on a soccer team.

At the end of the season, he brings his trophy to a follow up visit, and gets a photo with the doctor – because his doctor is his hero!


Title: A Brighter Energy


Katie’s father seems boring to her.

He goes off to work each day at a building that she’s only seen from the outside, and she assumes all he does is stare at computer.  

Her feelings change when he takes her on a journey to where energy is harnessed.  She sees how Endosenergy’s (his company) transformers enable the transfer of that vast energy into the useable way it is at her house and school  She sees he’s not just sitting at a boring computer, but making her life better, and the lives of all of her friends.

Katie’s dad is an energy hero!


Title: Finding the Hard to Find


Sarah lives in a world of mess: her school desk is a mess, her closet is a mess, her backpack is a mess. But everyday she spends a ton of time looking for things.

One day, she can’t find some of her colored pencils. Frustrated, she breaks down and asks for help.

Her dad helps her organize things in a way that she can find them.

When Sarah asks how he is so good at that organization, he explains that is what he does at his work – he writes computer programs that organize things. Instead of objects, he organizes data.  The program makes the data easier to find.

Sarah’s dad pulls out his computer to how her an example of a picture and a graph. Sarah realizes that when she has a complete set of colored pencils, it is like when he has a complete set of data.

They can both make better pictures of what the data says. Sarah realizes that software can be awesome.


Title: Smiles for Sierra

Sierra’s mouth hurts, and she doesn’t know why. 

Her mother takes her to the dentist, who walks her through exactly what is going on in her mouth and how he will help her feel better using the special tools he has.

Sierra ends up excited about going to the dentist. She even tells her class she wants to be a dentist someday. 

Her friend admits to her the fear of the dentist, and she helps her friend get over that fear. 

The dentist becomes a hero to her because of what he can do with the dental instruments: he can relieve her pain!

Story-telling in marketing is effective

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